Readers, Welcome to Zorba Press!
Zorba Press — a division of Zorba Media — is an independent publisher of paper books, ebooks, and audiobooks.
From the gorgeous gorges of Ithaca, New York (in the USA), we publish the The Zorba Anthology of Love Stories, The Ithaca Manual of Style, and a wild novel about love and eros (for adults) Thoreau Bound: A Utopian Romance in the Isles of Greece. We sponsor the blogs BookLovers Review, Epublishers Weekly (forthcominng), and Youthtopia , devoted to health, longevity, and happiness.

What’s new at Zorba Press ?
Arthur Sharenow’s novel The Summer Camp Uprising. The Earth-friendly work The Terrestrial Gospel of Nikos Kazantzakis by Thanasis Maskaleris. A paen to the passionate magic of Greek culture by Maria Hnaraki, Sing In Me, Muse and Through Me Tell The Story. An astonishing autobiography by Michael Charles Tobias, Biotopia , and Tobias’s colossal novel, The Adventures of Mr Marigold. And two more life-affirming books — Zenlightenment: Mind-Opening Insights About Life, Love, and Happiness; and Sappho At The Edge of Love: 100 Poems by Michael Pastore.

Renew Yourself with Great Books
Aldous Huxley, author of the radiant novels Brave New World and Island, blessed us with these memorable words:
“Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant, and interesting.”
Dare to be bold, be free, be truthful. The great books (and their authors) help us to affirm our genuine selves: they give us courage to be unique.
“Life’s opportunities shrink or expand,” said Anais Nin, “in proportion to one’s courage.”
And e.e. cummings agreed:
“To be nobody-but-yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”
Zorba’s mission is to promote the innovative ideas and the daring books that renew our belief in Love and kindness, nourish the creativity of children and childhood, create an environmentally sustainable future, and point the way to a new world of sincerity, compassion, happiness, and peace.
Michael Pastore, Publisher and CEO
Zorba Press and Zorba Media
Ithaca, New York, USA
2022 March 20 (first day of Spring)
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