Zorba Press is an independent publisher of paper books, ebooks and audio books.
From the gorgeous gorges of Ithaca, New York, we publish paperback editions of The Zorba Anthology of Love Stories; The Ithaca Manual of Style; the anthology Zenlightenment; the incomparable Adventures of Mr Marigold; and a wild novel about love and eros (for adults) Thoreau Bound: A Utopian Romance in the Isles of Greece.
Currently, we offer more than 30 titles – fiction and nonfiction.
All Zorba Press books and works are made with Natural Intelligence.
At Zorba Press, we practice what we call “Sustainable Publishing”: publishing with a greater sense of awareness and responsibility. Sustainable Publishing is the attempt to bring to the work of publishing a healthy balance between four essential elements: Culture, Commerce, the Environment, and (humanized) Technology.
Zorba’s mission is to promote the innovative ideas and the daring books that nourish children and childhood, point the way to a culture of non-violence, create a sustainable future, and nurture – for every living being – a new world of love, kindness, courage, creativity, sincerity, and peace.
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