Michael Pastore, Publisher
Michael Pastore — Zorba Press’s Publisher and Zorba Media’s CEO — is a novelist and a poet. He has traveled extensively — always by bicycle, often sleeping under the stars — in the USA, Europe, Turkey, and Greece. His more than 20 books include Thoreau Bound: a Utopian Romance in the Isles of Greece; Lark’s Magic; Zen in the Art of Child Maintenance; Zenlightenment; The Zorba Anthology of Love Stories; Child Maintenance; The Ithaca Manual of Style; Siddhartha and Kamala; Teaching Kindness and Peace, and Sappho at the Edge of Love: 100 poems by Michael Pastore. In the counter-cultured city of Ithaca, New York, Pastore lives in a small house amidst 10,000 of the world’s best books. In June 2022, Pastore founded the Ithaca Chess Club. He is also the director of Zorba Editing, which provides the complete spectrum of writing-editing-publishing services for authors, students, content creators, and publishers.

Eva Sofianou, Editor
Editor and avid book lover. Main studies: Greek Philology (Department of Linguistics) and English Language. Working experience: teaching foreign languages; proofreading, copyediting, content research, commentaries, artistic design/curation for publications; copywriting for books, brochures, catalogues, and websites; publishing/editing works in ancient or modern Greek, Latin, English and other European languages; translations and translation editing; secretarial administration; events of academic interest (e.g., conferences) and proceedings; training university students who wish to work in publishing. Since 2012 she has worked on various important projects for Zorba Press.