Lark’s Magic
a funny novel
by Michael Pastore
Fiction, 70,000 words
Paperback, 228 pages | $ 18
Kindle Ebook | $ 4.99
ISBN: 9780927379076
Visit the book’s page at Amazon.com.
Lark’s Magic is the story of the four wildest and cleverest kids to romp through the pages of a book since Tom Sawyer, Tom Brown, Alice (of Wonderland), and Huckleberry Finn.

Here you will meet Brains, the eloquent boy-genius; the rambunctious Zerp, who’s been to the principal’s office so many times, they had to put in a revolving door; Larquest Nova, who wears a mask to hide a shocking secret; and PDQ, who lives in his unique and hilarious imagination.
Mingled with the fun, games, riddles, stories, and songs are great themes: friendship, reading good books, the joy of nature, the power of play and creativity, and finding the courage to follow your own true heart.
“Lark’s Magic is a modern children’s classic which will be read and reread for its Dickens-like characters, its outrageous humor, and its celebration of the playful world of childhood.”
—Booklovers Review
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from the novel, Lark’s Magic.
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