The Strange Life and Disappearance of English Milligrams
a novel by Michael Tobias
Paperback, 300 pages; 6″ x 9″
Price: Paperback $ 20
ISBN: 978-0927379311
This Zorba Press edition of Michael Tobias’ novel, The Strange Life and Disappearance of English Milligrams, has never been published before, in any format.
In this stunning novel by Michael Charles Tobias, the world is at the end of its tether, and a man in tune with all the great mysteries, but a man of no special consequence or particular learning, discovers that his life is no longer necessary, or not to him. In this gripping, by turns terrifying and blithe, deeply revealing confessional of highly refined fiction, the reasons for Being, or for Nothingness, are uncovered in the person of a single, vulnerable human being. The Strange Life & Disappearance of English Milligrams is at once a breakthrough work of art that pins the last hope for redemption in this world on the love of nature. Love unobstructed; love that transcends all pain, perplexity, self-doubt. A love whose masochism, in this case, turns to some of the most ecstatic, unexpected chapters in the annals of literature. A man seeking final resolution to his own miseries becomes one of the most unheralded, puzzling — often enlightened — characters to ever emerge from the ashes of a confessional.