Gulliver in Brobdingnag:
How Authors and Small Presses Can Sell More Books
Frango duro patientia.
( I break hard things by perseverance. )
- A. The Heart: Write a Good Book
- Write a good book
- Then edit it well
- Copyedit and proofread
- Is the book title memorable? … Ask your friends: “After hearing the title, would you buy the book?”
- Writers write — that is a given. And writing these days means that writers must make an additional commitment to selling our books.
- Set a specific day and time — the same day/time every week — when you will work on selling your book. Book marketing requires persistence and consistency.
- B. Basics
- Indexes: nonfiction books should have quality indexes
- Fonts. Make sure you are using free fonts, or fonts you are permitted to use. [ List of my favorite free fonts coming soon.]
- Get your own ISBN not an Amazon ISBN
- Book covers. Make a stunning book cover … See the Pinterest page “Beautiful Book Covers“ and take advantage of Copyright-Free Images that you can use for your book covers and websites [ links to the best sites coming soon. Best of the best is Unsplash. ] …. Follow the basic Graphic Design Rules.
- Consider book trim sizes: There are 3 book sizes that meet the expanded distribution requirements for both KDP and LS. These sizes are (in inches): 5 x 8 … 5 x 8.5 … 6 x 9 … Remember 7 x 10 works, but with white paper only, not cream.
- Get the book listed on Amazon.com, and be sure to have a well-written “blurb” about the book, for the book’s back cover or dust jacket, and for the Amazon website.
- price the book at $ 12 to $ 20
- Choose the best subject headings … First learn about BISAC Subject Headings
- Book should have its own web page on the publisher website and author website
- Work with your publisher on a 1-page-long news release, that can be viewed online from the publisher’s and author’s websites or social media pages.
- Preparing for Interviews … Create a detailed outline of things to be discussed, and include questions you might be asked by the media, and answers
- The Problem of Review Copies … Copies you send to book reviewers usually end unreviewed, sold by the recipient for re-sale at the Strand Book Store in Manhattan. Publishers and authors can lose a small or large fortune sending review copies and getting few or even no reviews. However if you know someone who for sure will promote your book, send them a review copy with a personal note, and the news release you have developed with your publisher. If you know a lot of people, ask your publisher to send you a bunch of books at cost (you pay for printing price and shipping), and then send these as review copies.
- Collect all positive quotes and reviews, for use on the website and news releases
- C. Publish in Multiple Formats
- Paperback, by Print-on-Demand from KDP or LS.
- But if you are certain that you will sell 1,000 or more books, then get a lower-price per book printing (and a better quality printing) of 1,000+ copies by Thomson-Shore.
- Ebook — priced half of the paperback price. Produce this 6 to 12 months after the paperback, or sooner if your target audience is international or cash poor.
- Hardcover — priced affordably.
- Audiobook — at Audible.com
- Screenplay.
- Small book sizes 4.25 x 7
- Paperback, by Print-on-Demand from KDP or LS.
- D. First Contacts: Create your “word of mouth army.”
- 1) Circle 1: Close Friends ..“Will you buy a book, and then rate and review it?” … “Will you tell your friends and colleagues about my new book?”
- 2) Circle 2: Mailing list of contacts. These are persons you know, who will not mind getting an email from you. ⁃ Write a thoughtfully-crafted message to your mailing list
- 3) Circle 3: Local News Media … Create a Local News Media list … radio stations, newspapers, magazines, email discussion groups ⁃ Write a news release about the book and its author … Send to your local media list
- 4) Circle 4: Friends in High Places. If you personally know anyone who has influence, or a large audience, don’t be shy. Carefully prepare notes for either contacting them by email, phone, or letter. The books you send these kinds of people are called “presentation copies.”
- 5) Circle 5: National News Media pertinent to your book. … For example, for a book related to summer camp, send an email (the content is your media news release) to the American Camp Association (ACA) magazine editor. ⁃ Never pay for a book review.
- 6) Circle 6: Book blogs pertinent to your theme. Take a look at this page from Zorba Publishing: 30 Sites that Review Ebooks.
- 7) Circle 7: Social Media
- 8) Circle 8: Influencers in Your Field. After your book as received some good reviews, you can contact influencers — but not for paid endorsements.
- E. EBM — Expertise Based Marketing — Your Personal Brand
- 1) Establish yourself as an expert in a specific field
- Start an online club — free and online by Zoom — where you lead discussions and workshops in your area of expertise. For example, a poet could start one online club about how to appreciate and understand poetry; and another online club about how to write poems.
- 2) Contact media and tell them to put your name on file when they need an expert, to comment on stories connected to your expertise
- 3) News pegs. If an important story starts to break — such as a virus outbreak in summer camps — call the largest news media in your city and tell them you can answer questions about this breaking story.
- F. Email Lists — 1000 True Fans
- 1) You may have an email list … build it.
- 2) Watch: 1000 True Fans by Kevin Kelly (Animated Summary) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnVtWOSIICQ
- 3) Watch: How to Gain 1000 True Fans (Kevin Kelly on London Real) … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wlg3808gDic
- 4) Read: Kevin Kelly’s updated essay … https://kk.org/thetechnium/1000-true-fans/
- G. Events Live and Events by Zoom
- 1) Plan and promote a live or an online event, speaking about a topic of interest, connected with themes in your book — not focused on the book itself.
- H. Find Your Target Audience
- 1) Think about your target audience, the persons who are most likely to be interested in your book. For example: a book about working with children might be sold to parents of home schoolers, summer camp directors and staff, or anyone who works with kids.
- 2) Create promotional materials for this target audience.
- 3) Start a TAL (Target Audience List) — which should be continually growing — and then send your promotional materials to your list.
- I. Podcasts (your own) and Interviews: Get Yourself Interviewed on YouTube channels and Podcasts — and Radio programs, and Television news shows, and Newspapers
- Podcast hosting (free) — Look at Anchor https://anchor.fm/ )
- J. Video Promotion: Make a YouTube Channel
- 1) Make a YouTube channel based on the book’s theme
- 2) Video Book Trailer … Make and share on YouTube.
- 3) Animated book summary using Whiteboard Animation software, with the moving hand
- K. Selling on Amazon
- 1) Amazon Author page. Set up your page, and then add all your books. The people who follow you here will automatically get emails from Amazon whenever you publish a new book with Amazon KDP.
- 2) Amazon Ratings and Reviews
- 3) Kindle Unlimited: is it worth it ?
- 4) Goodreads author page
- L. Learning about all aspects of publishing, especially selling books
- Amazon KDP YouTube channel … https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CxCuzTh_u5aUg4jp01RJA
- KDP University video, 2021 July 1 … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7j_rrYGDus
- M. Make Your Blog/Website a number 1 site– with “Content Marketing” and “Discontent Marketing” (MP) and SEO
- Post good quality content at least one time per week
- No Paywalls !
- 1) Google Analytics
- 2) Rank Math plugin
- Infographics and Tipographics ( a tip or a quote that is on an image)
- N. New Ideas for Selling Books
- Make a T-shirt of your book, and then wear it everywhere
- O. Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing
- Overview
- Digital Marketing vs. Social Media Marketing https://www.business2community.com/digital-marketing/the-difference-between-digital-marketing-and-social-media-marketing-and-why-you-should-care-02302456
- Twitter Marketing (average half-life is 24 minutes per tweet)
- Pinterest Marketing (average half-life is 6 months per pin)
- The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Hashtags for Book Authors https://bookmarketingbestsellers.com/392-social-media-hashtags-for-book-authors/
- 5 Free Tools from H-Educate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kj090-nRevk
- H-Educated website … https://h-educate.com/
- P. Bulk Sales. Get paid in advance; and Always remind the buyer that the books (books printed on demand) are non-returnable (unless the buyer receives a defective copy). Offer a discount for sales of 20 or more, sent to one location, for:
- University classes
- Libraries
- Book clubs. NYRB has been running a book club for 10 years. Subscribers get 12 books per year (a different book every month). The cost is: “And now it’s an even better deal: To celebrate the anniversary, twelve-month memberships to the club are available at 33% off the usual membership price if you sign up for yourself or a friend today. That’s $99.95 for US subscribers instead of $150 and $145.00 for Canadian & international subscribers instead of $219!
- Home Schooling groups
- Summer Camps
- Businesses, to give out books that businesses will give as gifts to employees
- Gifts (wedding or conference or special events)
- Q. Quotes about selling books
- “Marketing is about creating relationships. … Make a sale, earn a comission. Make a friend, earn a fortune.” — John Kremer
- R. Resources: about the Science and Art of Selling Books — Books about selling books; Videos about Selling books; Articles about selling books; Websites and selling books
- Author Marketing Training: 7-day Course https://www.yourfirst10kreaders.com/
- Article: Publishing and Book Marketing BY VALERIE PETERSON https://www.thebalancecareers.com/about-book-marketing-2799981
- S. Translations and Subsidiary Sales (excerpts in magazines, film rights … )
- Get your book translated and/or seek foreign rights.
- T. Tools and Technologies
- U. Book Marketing Facts and Theory — will be a separate web page, on the website listed in Y. below. You are selling books to 5 different markets:
- Individual buyers
- Social media audience
- Institutions: schools, libraries, literacy campaigns …
- Retailers: book stores, book companies, Amazon, Ingram
- Wholesalers and distributors: library wholesalers, “Small Press Distribution (SPD)” ( https://www.spdbooks.org/ )
- V. … Questions and Answers about the Psychology of Selling, and Book Promotion Theory and Practice
- How do you tell people about your book, and then make them want to buy it ?
- W. World: International Sales
- X. Experiments
- Y. Link here to my blog-website about book marketing: MagicMarketing.page … Here we will answer the 4 essential questions:
- What are you learning? …
- What can I be doing better? …
- Which methods are successful for you ? …
- Where should you focus 80 percent of your energy and time? …
- Z. The Zorba 12:
- Greeklit — grants to publishers for translations in Greek … https://greeklit.gr/ … https://greeklit.gr/applying-for-a-translation-grant-for-an-entire-work/ … Application dates ( 3): 20 September 2021, 20 January 2022, 20 May 2022